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Добавки и буферы для ПЦР


Гелевый загрузочный буфер Jena Bioscience

Удобные инструменты, разработанные для того, чтобы сэкономить ваше время и приносить превосходные результаты и производительность. Комплеты рекомендованы для облегчения амплификации GC-насыщенных структур, для увеличения выхода и использования в качестве внутрилабораторных стандартов.

Стандартная ПЦР - руководство по выбору продукции

НазваниеКодЦена Количество
Crystal Buffer, 5 x 1,2 ml PCR-271 по запросу

НазваниеКодЦена Количество
Kit PCR-256 по запросу 500 µl
Store at -20°C in the dark

100x concentration
EvaGreen® Fluorescent Gel Stain is a superior DNA staining dye for DNA analysis in gel electrophoresis applications. Upon binding to DNA, the non-fluorescent dye becomes highly fluorescent allowing the detection of lowest DNA amounts. It is extremely stable both thermally and hydrolytically, providing convenience during routine handling.

НазваниеКодЦена Количество
Blue PCR-254-bl по запросу 5 x 1 ml
Green PCR-254-gr по запросу 5 x 1 ml
Orange PCR-254-or по запросу 5 x 1 ml
Store at -20 °C

6x concentration
Gel Loading Buffers are formulated to facilitate loading of DNA containing samples into the wells of agarose and polyacrylamide gels.
Blue Gel Loading Buffer contains bromophenol blue and xylene cyanol FF as tracking dyes and indicator for DNA fragment migration. It is recommended for loading of fragment larger than 500 bp.
Green Gel Loading Buffer contains orange G and xylene cyanol FF as tracking dyes and is recommended for loading of fragment from 100 to 2000 bp.
Orange Gel Loading Buffer contains orange G and is recommended for loading of fragment smaller than 500 bp.

НазваниеКодЦена Количество
Blue PCR-255-bl по запросу 5 x 1 ml
Green PCR-255-gr по запросу 5 x 1 ml
Orange PCR-255-or по запросу 5 x 1 ml
Store at -20 °C in the dark

6x concentration
Gel Loading Buffers with DNA Stain are formulated to facilitate loading of DNA samples into the wells of agarose and polyacrylamide gels. The loading buffers contain EvaGreen® DNA Stain a fluorescent DNA intercalator dye specially developed for DNA analysis applications. Its high quantum yield and excellent stability makes it the ideal fluorophore for DNA staining applications and a superior replacement for the widely used dyes Ethidium Bromide or SYBR® Green.
The buffers contain tracking dyes as indicators for DNA fragment migration.
The Gel Loading Buffers provide highest convenience during routine handling and avoid commonly used gel staining procedures with Ethidium Bromide or SYBR® Green.

НазваниеКодЦена Количество
complete - 10 x PCR-264-c по запросу 5 x 1,2 ml
without MgCl2 - 10 x PCR-264-wo по запросу 5 x 1,2 ml

НазваниеКодЦена Количество
pack PCR-261 по запросу 50 µg

НазваниеКодЦена Количество
complete - 10 x PCR-263-c по запросу 5 x 1,2 ml
without MgCl2 - 10 x PCR-263-wo по запросу 5 x 1,2 ml

НазваниеКодЦена Количество
pack PCR-259 по запросу 100 µg

НазваниеКодЦена Количество
L pack PCR-269L по запросу 500 g
S pack PCR-269S по запросу 100 g

НазваниеКодЦена Количество
25 mM PCR-266-25 по запросу 4 x 1,5 ml

НазваниеКодЦена Количество
Kit PCR-252 по запросу 500 reactions
Store at 2-8°C or -20°C

PCR Additives Kit contains a stabilizer and enhancer bundle for the amplification of difficult templates such as GC-rich or extremly long fragments.
5-10% Taq-stabilizer in the PCR reaction is recommended to improve amplification efficiency and specificity. It stabilizes Taq polymerase and reduces secondary DNA structures.
10-20% GC-enhancer in the PCR is recommended for amplifying GC-rich templates. It reduces the melting temperature of DNA.

НазваниеКодЦена Количество
Kit PCR-253 по запросу 500 reactions
Store at -20°C

beta-actin Primer Mix
Human genomic DNA (male)
PCR Control Kit is designed for quality and benchmark tests, as positive control or internal lab standard for Taq DNA polymerases. The kit contains a forward / reverse primer-pair designed to amplify a 295 bp long fragment of the β-actin gene from human genomic DNA.

НазваниеКодЦена Количество
L pack PCR-258L по запросу 50 ml
S pack PCR-258S по запросу 10 x 1,2 ml
XL pack PCR-258XL по запросу 500 ml
Store at 2-8°C or -20°C

PCR-grade Water
PCR-grade Water is ultrapure, sterile filtered and autoclaved water for use in molecular biology applications like standard PCR, qPCR or RT-PCR. It is treated with DEPC to avoid any residual enzymatic activity.

НазваниеКодЦена Количество
Ruby Buffer, 5 x 1,2 ml PCR-272 по запросу

НазваниеКодЦена Количество
complete - 10 x PCR-262-c по запросу 5 x 1,2 ml
without MgCl2 - 10 x PCR-262-wo по запросу 5 x 1,2 ml

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