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Одноступенчатая ПЦР с обратной транскрипцией

One-Step RT-PCR

Набор Jena Bioscience для одноступенчатой RT-PCR содержит все реагенты, необходимые для RT-PCR (кроме матрицы и праймеров) в одной коробке для обеспечения простого и быстрого приготовления с минимальным числом шагов дозирования. Высококлассная смесь ферментов и оптимизированный готовый реакционный буфер, содержащий сверхчистые dNTP, обеспечивают превосходный результат амплификации. Это дает огромную удобство при применении для анализа простых на анализе одиночных целей из нескольких образцов РНК и сводит к минимуму риск контаминации.

НазваниеКодЦена Количество
L pack PCR-510L по запросу 500 reactions x 50 µl
S pack PCR-510S по запросу 100 reactions x 50 µl
XS pack PCR-510XS по запросу 20 reactions x 50 µl
Store at -20°C, avoid frequent thawing and freezing

SCRIPT High Fidelity RT-PCR Enzyme Mix
(incl. SCRIPT RTase, Hot Start High Fidelity Polymerase, RNase Inhibitor)
2x SCRIPT High Fidelity RT-PCR Reaction Mix
RNase-free Water
SCRIPT High Fidelity One-Step RT-PCR Kit is the ideal choice for applications where highly sensitive reverse transcription and high fidelity PCR at high amplification speed in single tubes are required. The enzyme mix is based on a genetically engineered reverse transcriptase with enhanced thermal stability providing increased specificity, high cDNA yield and improved efficiency for highly structured and long cDNA fragments. Additionally, a genetically engineered proof-reading enzyme is implemented as polymerase. It provides a 50-fold higher accuracy and an increased processivity compared to Taq, resulting in 2-fold shorter elongation times.

НазваниеКодЦена Количество
L pack PCR-509L по запросу 500 reactions x 50 µl
S pack PCR-509S по запросу 100 reactions x 50 µl
XS pack PCR-509XS по запросу 20 reactions x 50 µl
Store at -20°C, avoid frequent thawing and freezing

(incl. SCRIPT RTase, Hot Start Polymerase, RNase Inhibitor)
2x SCRIPT RT-PCR Reaction Mix
RNase-free Water
SCRIPT One-Step RT-PCR Kit is designed for performing highly sensitive and specific RT-PCR convenient in single tubes. The enzyme mix is based on a genetically engineered reverse transcriptase with enhanced thermal stability providing increased specificity, high cDNA yield and improved efficiency for highly structured and long cDNA fragments.

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