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EvaGreen® Fluorescent DNA Stain

DNA Intercalating dye for real-time qPCR fluorescence detection

Store at -20°C in the dark

50x EvaGreen® Fluorescent DNA Stain, 500 µl

EvaGreen® Fluorescent DNA Stain is a superior DNA intercalator dye specially developed for DNA analysis applications including real-time PCR (qPCR) and high-resolution DNA melt curve analysis (HRM). Upon binding to DNA, the non-fluorescent dye becomes highly fluorescent while showing no detectable inhibition to the PCR process. The dye is extremely stable both thermally and hydrolytically, providing convenience during routine handling.
The high quantum yield, excellent stability and less inhibition toward PCR makes it the ideal fluorophore in real-time PCR applications as replacement for the widely used SYBR® Green I dye.

Название Код Цена Количество
Kit PCR-352 по запросу 500 reactions
(500 µl)


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