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  9. Bgl I >

Bgl I

5' - GCCN NNN↓NGGC - 3'
3' - GCCN↑NNN NGGC - 5'

Recognition Sequence:

Heat inactivation: 20 minutes at 65°C.

Ligation and recutting: After ten-fold overdigestion with Bgl I, >95 % of the DNA fragments can be ligated and recut with this enzyme.

DNA Methylation:
No inhibition: dam, dcm
Inhibition (Blocked by some combinations of overlapping): CpG

Unit Definition: One unit is the amount of enzyme required to completely digest 1 µg of Lambda DNA (29 sites) in 1 hour in a total reaction volume of 50 µl. Enzyme activity was determined in the recommended reaction buffer.

Название Код Цена Количество
L pack EN-105L по запросу 5 x 2000 Units
S pack EN-105S по запросу 2000 Units


Информация представлена исключительно в ознакомительных целях и ни при каких условиях не является публичной офертой