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  7. Brucella >
  8. Brucella abortus >

Brucella abortus

Технические параметры
ПроизводительPublic Health England
Номер в каталогеNCTC 10505
Ценапо запросу
Другие номераATCC 23453; 870
Типовой штаммNo
VarietyBiotype 6
Other NamesBrucella melitensis biovar Abortus
23S rRNA Gene Sequence>gb|DQ287891|ATCC 23453|Brucella abortus strain ATCC 23453 23S ribosomal RNA (rrn) gene,partial sequence.| cgataagcgtcgggg...
OtherBiotype 6
Biosafety ResponsibilityIt is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that their facilities comply with biosafety regulations for their own country
TaxonomyTaxLink: S644 (Brucella abortus) - Date of change: 5/02/2003
Authority(Hughes 1893) Meyer and Shaw 1920 (AL)
Accession Date01/01/1967
Data(ATCC 23453) W. J. Brinley-Morgan, Weybridge, Surrey in 1967 / Recommended Reference strain / Bovine foetus in 1959 / Meyer, M. E. & Morgan, W. J. B. (1973) Int. J. syst. Bact. 23, 135
BibliographyMEYER M E & MORGAN W J B 1973 INT J SYST BACT 23 135
Isolated Frommammal, bovine foetus in 1959
Conditions for growth on liquid mediaNutrient broth,37, aerobic
Conditions for growth on solid mediaBlood agar, 37, aerobic, carbon dioxide required
Hazard Group (ACDP)3
Type StrainNo
Previous Catalogue NameBrucella melitensis
Other Collection NoATCC 23453; 870
Current NameBrucella abortus
Original Strain Reference870
NCTC NumberNCTC 10505
FormatsAmpoule (Bacteria);

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