Производитель | Public Health England |
Номер в каталоге | NCTC 11134 |
Цена | по запросу |
Другие номера | ATCC 3318; DSM 43578; DSM 43665; IMRU 3318; NCIB 12058 |
Типовой штамм | Yes |
23S rRNA Gene Sequence | >gb|AF536446|DSM 43665|Nocardia farcinica strain DSM 43665 16S-23S ribosomal RNAintergenic spacer, complete sequence.|
aaggagcacttctcc... |
16S rRNA Gene Sequence | >gb|X80610|DSM43665T|N.farcinica 16S rDNA.|
cgaacgctggcggcg... |
Biosafety Responsibility | It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that their facilities comply with biosafety regulations for their own country |
Taxonomy | TaxLink: S2145 (Nocardia farcinica Trevisan 1889) - Date of change: 5/02/2003 |
Depositor | ATCC |
Authority | Trevisan 1889 (AL) |
History | ISOLATED BY GORDON R IN 1957 |
Accession Date | 01/01/1976 |
Data | (IMRU 3318) Type strain / ATCC in 1976 / R. Gordon in 1957 |
Conditions for growth on liquid media | nutrient broth,37, aerobic |
Conditions for growth on solid media | glucose agar,37, aerobic |
Hazard Group (ACDP) | 2 |
Type Strain | Yes |
Family | Nocardiaceae |
Other Collection No | ATCC 3318; DSM 43578; DSM 43665; IMRU 3318; NCIB 12058 |
Previous Catalogue Name | Nocardia farcinica |
NCTC Number | NCTC 11134 |
Current Name | Nocardia farcinica |
Original Strain Reference | ATCC 3318 |
Formats | Ampoule (Bacteria); |