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Хондроциты человека: HC. Первичные клеточные линии Cell Applications.

Human Chondrocytes: HC

Хондроциты Человека (HC) получены из нормального суставного хряща человека, где они  производят и поддерживают внеклеточный матрикс хряща, включая коллаген II типа. Широко используясь в исследованиях, хондроциты HC стали «золотым стандартом» контроля клеточного перепрограммирования и дифференциации. Хондроциты, выращиваемые в монослое на твердой поверхности, как правило, теряют свои фенотипические маркеры, больше не производят коллаген II типа и сульфатированные протеогликаны, и де-дифференцируются в фибробласто-подобный фенотип.

Примеры основанных на HC исследований включают:

(Текст на языке оригинала)
  • Phenotypic characterization and differentiation into osteoclasts.
  • Others employ chondrocytes to describe the molecular biology of cell receptors, signaling cascades, cytokine activation and gene regulation.
  • The cells are implicated in apoptosis, cytotoxicity, and cartilage degradation seen in inflammatory disorders such as rheumatoid-, osteo- and Lyme disease-associated arthritis.
  • By examining the effects of shear stress and mechanotransduction pathways, some hope to develop treatments to thwart erosive joint pathology.
  • Some labs look at monoclonal antibody treatment, or inhibition of erosive matrix metalloproteinase enzymes, directed toward arthritis treatment.
  • The cells also receive attention for potential clinical applications, since they adhere to medical implants and infiltrate scaffolds for cartilage regeneration.

Характеристика: положительно на аггрекан после дифференциации


Normal human articular cartilage. Each lot is tested negative for HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C and negative for mycoplasma, bacteria, and fungi.
Cryopreserved ampoule:
1st passage, >500,000 cells in Basal Medium containing 10% FBS & 10% DMSO.
Kit contains:
Ampoule of cryopreserved (402-05) Human Chondrocytes, 500 ml of Human Chondrocyte Growth Medium (411-500), and a Subculture Reagent Kit (090K).
Proliferating Cells:
Shipped in Chondrocyte Growth Medium at 2nd passage in either flasks or multiwell dishes.
Population doublings:
Can be cultured at least 10 doublings



Dua, R., K. Comella, R. Butler, G. Castellanos, B. Brazille, A. Claude, A. Agarwal, J. Liao and S. Ramaswamy. 2016. Integration of Stem Cell to Chondrocyte-Derived Cartilage Matrix in Healthy and Osteoarthritic States in the Presence of Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles. PLoS ONE, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0149121.
Balasundaram, G. D. Storey, and T. Webster. 2014. Novel nano-rough polymers for cartilage tissue engineering. Intl J Nanomedicine. 9:1845-1853.
Varnum, B., C. Vezina, A. Witte, X. Qian, F. Martin, H. Huang, and G. Elliott. 2014. THERAPEUTIC HUMAN ANTI-IL-1R1 MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY. Patent Application 20140335099.
Varnum, B., C. Vezina, A. Witte, X. Qian, F. Martin, H. Huang, and G. Elliott. 2014. Therapeutic human anti-IL-1R1 monoclonal antibody. Patent US 8710203 B2.
Ishii, R., D. Kami, M. Toyoda, H. Makino, S. Gojo, T. Ishii, and A. Umezawa. 2012. Placenta to cartilage: direct conversion of human placenta to chondrocytes with transformation by defined factors. Mol. Biol. of the cell. 23:3511-3521.
Malemud, C., Y. Sun, E. Pearlman, N. Ginley, and A. Awadallah. 2012. Monosodium urate and tumor necrosis factor-a increase apoptosis in human chondrocyte cultures. Rheumatol Curr Res 2:113.
Rapko, S., and S. Duguay. 2012. Methods of evaluating cells and cell cultures. Patent Application US 20120329051 A1. Varnum, B., C. Vezina, A. Witte, X. Qian, F. Martin, H. Huang, and G. Elliott. 2012. Therapeutic human anti-IL-1R1 monoclonal antibody. Patent US 8236559 B2.
Wang, P., F. Zhu, and K. Konstantopoulos. 2012. The Antagonistic Actions of Endogenous Interleukin-1β and 15-Deoxy-Δ12,14-prostaglandin J2 Regulate the Temporal Synthesis of Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in Sheared Chondrocytes. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 287:31877-31893.
Whitney, N.P., A.C. Lamb, T.M. Louw, and A. Subramanian. 2012. Integrin-Mediated Mechanotransduction Pathway of Low-Intensity Continuous Ultrasound in Human Chondrocytes. Ultrasound in medicine & biology. 38:1734-1743.
Attur, M., J.S. Millman, M.N. Dave, H.E. Al-Mussawir, J. Patel, G. Palmer, and S.B. Abramson. 2011. Glatiramer acetate (GA), the immunomodulatory drug, inhibits inflammatory mediators and collagen degradation in osteoarthritis (OA) cartilage. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 19:1158-1164.
Honda, K. 2011. Interleukin-6 and soluble interleukin-6 receptor suppress osteoclastic differentiation by inducing PGE<Sub>2</Sub> production in chondrocytes. Journal of Oral Science. 53:87-96.
Medici, D., and B. Olsen. 2011. Conversion of vascular endothelial cells into multipotent stem-like cells. Patent Application US 20130078718 A1.
Tanigawa, S., Y. Aida, T. Kawato, K. Honda, G. Nakayama, M. Motohashi, N. Suzuki, K. Ochiai, H. Matsumura, and M. Maeno. 2011a. Interleukin-17F affects cartilage matrix turnover by increasing the expression of collagenases and stromelysin-1 and by decreasing the expression of their inhibitors and extracellular matrix components in chondrocytes. Cytokine. 56:376-386.
Tanigawa, S., T. Kawato, Y. Aida, N. Suzuki, K. Ochiai, H. Matsumura, and M. Maeno. 2011b. Interleukin-17F Down-Regulates the Plasminogen/Plasmin Pathway in Chondrocytes. Journal of Hard Tissue Biology. 20:195-202.
Wakamatsu, A., J. Yamamoto, and T. Isogai. 2011. Biomarker specific to brain/nerve or specific to neuronal differentiation. Patent Application US 20130095107 A1.
Wang, P., F. Zhu, and K. Konstantopoulos. 2011a. Interleukin-6 Synthesis in Human Chondrocytes Is Regulated via the Antagonistic Actions of Prostaglandin (PG)E2 and 15-deoxy-Δ12,14-PGJ2. PloS one. 6:e27630.
Wang, P., F. Zhu, Z. Tong, and K. Konstantopoulos. 2011b. Response of chondrocytes to shear stress: antagonistic effects of the binding partners Toll-like receptor 4 and caveolin-1. The FASEB Journal. 25:3401-3415.
Yang, L., A. Guo, and J.-C. Gu. 2011. c-Jun N-terminal kinase and nuclear factor κB mediate nitric oxide-induced expression of matrix metalloproteinase-13. International Orthopaedics (SICOT). 35:1261-1266.
Ek, S. 2010. Nanorough Alloy Substrate. Patent Application US 20100185294 A1.
Hashizume, M., and M. Mihara. 2010. High molecular weight hyaluronic acid inhibits IL-6-induced MMP production from human chondrocytes by up-regulating the ERK inhibitor, MKP-1. Biochem. & Biophys. Res. Comm. 403:184-189. HC, Chondrocyte Growth Medium
Huang, H., B. Varnum, C. Vezina, A. Witte, X. Qian, F. Martin, and G. Elliott. 2010. Therapeutic anti-IL-1R1 monoclonal antibody. European Patent Application EP 2 213 685 A1.
Tamburstuen, M.V., S. Reppe, A. Spahr, R. Sabetrasekh, G. Kvalheim, I. Slaby, U. Syversen, S.P. Lyngstadaas, and J.E. Reseland. 2010. Ameloblastin promotes bone growth by enhancing proliferation of progenitor cells and by stimulating immunoregulators. European journal of oral sciences. 118:451-459.
Burns, K., C. Yao, and T.J. Webster. 2009. Increased chondrocyte adhesion on nanotubular anodized titanium. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A. 88A:561-568.
Hashizume, M., and M. Mihara. 2009. Desirable effect of combination therapy with high molecular weight hyaluronate and NSAIDs on MMP production. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 17:1513-1518.
Hikichi, Y., K. Yoshimura, and M. Takigawa. 2009. All-trans retinoic acid-induced ADAM28 degrades proteoglycans in human chondrocytes. Biochemical and biophysical research communications. 386:294-299.
Park, G., B. Ward, and K. Webster. 2009. Bioresorbable poly (lactic/glycolic acid) (PLGA) materials/scaffolds with modified surfaces to enhance chondrocyte adhesion and proliferation; for use in repair of articular cartilage. Patent US 7527803 B2.
Raibekas, A., and B. Kerwin. 2009. IL-1ra variants. Patent US 7619066 B2.
Watanabe, Y., A. Namba, K. Honda, Y. Aida, H. Matsumura, O. Shimizu, N. Suzuki, N. Tanabe, and M. Maeno. 2009. IL-1β Stimulates the Expression of Prostaglandin Receptor EP4 in Human Chondrocytes by Increasing Production of Prostaglandin E2. Connective Tissue Research. 50:186-193.
Watanabe, Y., A. Namba, Y. Aida, K. Honda, H. Tanaka, N. Suzuki, H. Matsumura, and M. Maeno. 2009a. IL-1beta Suppresses the Formation of Osteoclasts by Increasing OPG Production via an Autocrine Mechanism Involving Celecoxib-Related Prostaglandins in Chondrocytes. Mediators of Inflamm. 2009b. doi:308510.301155/302009/308596.
Cherng, Y.-G., H.-C. Chang, Y.-L. Lin, M.-L. Kuo, W.-T. Chiu, and R.-M. Chen. 2008. Apoptotic insults to human chondrocytes induced by sodium nitroprusside are involved in sequential events, including cytoskeletal remodeling, phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase-1/c-Jun N-terminal kinase, and Bax-Mitochondria-Mediated caspase activation. Journal of Orthopaedic Research. 26:1018-1026.
Khang, D., G.E. Park, and T.J. Webster. 2008. Enhanced chondrocyte densities on carbon nanotube composites: The combined role of nanosurface roughness and electrical stimulation. J. Biomed. Mat. Res. Part A. 86A:253-260.
Quay, S., H. Costantino, M. Kleppe, and C. Li. 2008. Compositions and methods for enhanced mucosal delivery of parathyroid hormone. Patent US 7435720 B2.
Varnum, B., C. Vezina, A. Witte, X. Qian, F. Martin, H. Huang, and G. Elliott. 2008. Quantitative analysis of interleukins in sample using monoclonal antibodies; antiinflammatory agents; antiarthritic agents. Patent US 7438910 B2.
Webster, T., and C. Yao. 2008. Method for producing nanostructures on a surface of a medical implant. Patent Application US 20110125263 A1.
Namba, A., Y. Aida, N. Suzuki, Y. Watanabe, T. Kawato, M. Motohashi, M. Maeno, H. Matsumura, and M. Matsumoto. 2007. Effects of IL-6 and soluble IL-6 receptor on the expression of cartilage matrix proteins in human chondrocytes. Connective tissue research. 48:263-270.
Quay, S., H. Costantino, M. Kleppe, and C. Li. 2007. Comprising an aqueous mixture of parathyroid hormone, a cyclodextran and didecanoylphosphatidylcholine at concentrations sufficient to enhance permeation across the cellular layer, wherein the formulation consists of droplets, of which less than 10% are less than 10 microns in diameter. Patent US 7244709 B2.
Quay, S., H. Costantino, M. Kleppe, and C. Li. 2007. Compositions and methods for enhanced mucosal delivery of parathyroid hormone. Patent Application US 20070244049 A1.
Aida, Y., M. Maeno, N. Suzuki, A. Namba, M. Motohashi, M. Matsumoto, M. Makimura, and H. Matsumura. 2006. The effect of IL-1β on the expression of inflammatory cytokines and their receptors in human chondrocytes. Life sciences. 79:764-771.
Baron, U., I. Turbachova, A. Hellwag, F. Eckardt, K. Berlin, U. Hoffmüller, P. Gardina, and S. Olek. 2006.  DNA Methylation Analysis as a Tool for Cell Typing. Epigenetics 1:55-60.
Lin, B., J. Pepper, B. Cunningham, J. Gerstenmaier, P. Li, J. Qiu, and H. Pien. 2006. Detecting cleavage of binding substances from surface of optical biosensor; obtain sample, scan, detect biosensor peak, apply cleaving bioplymers, monitor reflectance, compare to control, detect cleavage. Patent US 7153702 B2.
Lin, B., J. Pepper, B. Cunningham, J. Gerstenmaier, P. Li, J. Qiu, and H. Pien. 2006. Detection of binding or cleavage of specific binding substances to biosensor surfaces consisting of microtiter wells or plates, test tube, petri dish and microfluidic channels; immobilization/biochemical; high throughput assay. Patent Application US 20070054339 A1.
Wada, Y., K. Shimada, K. Sugimoto, T. Kimura, and S. Ushiyama. 2006. Novel p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitor R-130823 protects cartilage by down-regulating matrix metalloproteinase-1,-13 and prostaglandin E2 production in human chondrocytes. International Immunopharmacology. 6:144-155.
Aida, Y., M. Maeno, N. Suzuki, H. Shiratsuchi, M. Motohashi, and H. Matsumura. 2005. The effect of IL-1β on the expression of matrix metalloproteinases and tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases in human chondrocytes. Life sciences. 77:3210-3221.
Behera, A.K., E. Hildebrand, J. Scagliotti, A.C. Steere, and L.T. Hu. 2005. Induction of Host Matrix Metalloproteinases by Borrelia burgdorferi Differs in Human and Murine Lyme Arthritis. Infection and Immunity. 73:126-134.
Costantino, H., R. Herman, M. Houston, P. Johnson, and R. Rana. 2005. Compositions and methods for intranasal administration of inactive analogs of PTH or inactivated preparations of PTH or PTH analogs. Patent Application US 20060069021 A1.
Daouti, S., B. Latario, S. Nagulapalli, F. Buxton, S. Uziel-Fusi, G.W. Chirn, D. Bodian, C. Song, M. Labow, M. Lotz, J. Quintavalla, and C. Kumar. 2005. Development of comprehensive functional genomic screens to identify novel mediators of osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 13:508-518.
Park, G.E., M.A. Pattison, K. Park, and T.J. Webster. 2005. Accelerated chondrocyte functions on NaOH-treated PLGA scaffolds. Biomaterials. 26:3075-3082.
Quintavalla, J., C. Kumar, S. Daouti, E. Slosberg, and S. Uziel-Fusi. 2005. Chondrocyte cluster formation in agarose cultures as a functional assay to identify genes expressed in osteoarthritis. Journal of cellular physiology. 204:560-566.
Behera, A.K., C.M. Thorpe, J.M. Kidder, W. Smith, E. Hildebrand, and L.T. Hu. 2004. Borrelia burgdorferi-Induced Expression of Matrix Metalloproteinases from Human Chondrocytes Requires Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase and Janus Kinase/Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription Signaling Pathways. Infection & Imm. 72:2864-2871
Binnerts, M.E., X. Wen, K. Canté-Barrett, J. Bright, H.-T. Chen, V. Asundi, P. Sattari, T. Tang, B. Boyle, and W. Funk. 2004. Human Crossveinless-2 is a novel inhibitor of bone morphogenetic proteins. Biochemical and biophysical research communications. 315:272-280.
Price, R.L., K. Ellison, K.M. Haberstroh, and T.J. Webster. 2004. Nanometer surface roughness increases select osteoblast adhesion on carbon nanofiber compacts. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A. 70A:129-138.
Rao, S.S. 2004. Electrospun PLLA/SWNT nanocomposite fibril for cartilage regeneration. Drexel University, PhD dissertation.
Savaiano, J.K., and T.J. Webster. 2004. Altered responses of chondrocytes to nanophase PLGA/nanophase titania composites. Biomaterials. 25:1205-1213.
Ellison, K.S., R.L. Price, K.M. Haberstroh, and T.J. Webster. 2003. Carbon nanofiber surface roughness increases osteoblast adhesion. In MRS Proceedings. Vol. 774. Cambridge Univ Press.
Lin, B., B. Cunningham, and P. Li. 2003. Apparatus which utilizes colorimetric resonant reflectance to determining and monitoring cell interactions; high throughput assay. Patent Application US 20040132214 A1.
Price, R.L., M.C. Waid, K.M. Haberstroh, and T.J. Webster. 2003. Selective bone cell adhesion on formulations containing carbon nanofibers. Biomaterials. 24:1877-1887.
Gutwein, L., and T. Webster. 2002. Osteoblast and Chrondrocyte Proliferation in the Presence of Alumina And Titania Nanoparticles. Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 4:231-238.
Ikeda, T., J. Zhang, T. Chano, A. Mabuchi, A. Fukuda, H. Kawaguchi, K. Nakamura, and S. Ikegawa. 2002. Identification and characterization of the human long form of Sox5 (L-SOX5) gene. Gene. 298:59-68.
Kay, S., A. Thapa, K.M. Haberstroh, and T.J. Webster. 2002. Nanostructured polymer/nanophase ceramic composites enhance osteoblast and chondrocyte adhesion. Tissue engineering. 8:753-761.
Miller, D.C., A. Thapa, K.M. Haberstroh, and T.J. Webster. 2002a. Nano-structured poly-lactic-co-glycolic acid polymer surface features increase cell functions. In Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Engineering, 2002. Proceedings of the IEEE-EMBS Special Topic Conference on. 36-37.
Miller, D.C., A. Thapa, K.M. Haberstroh, and T.J. Webster. 2002b. Enhanced functions of cells on polymers with nanostructured surfaces. In Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 2002. 24th Annual Conference and the Annual Fall Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society EMBS/BMES Conference, 2002. Proceedings of the Second Joint. Vol. 1. 755-756 vol.751.
Park, G., B. Ward, K. Park, and T. Webster. 2002. PLGA substrate with aligned and nano-sized surface structures and associated method. Patent Application US 20040214322 A1.
Price, R.L., K.M. Haberstroh, and T.J. Webster. 2002. Increased adhesion on carbon nanofiber/polymer composite materials. In Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 2002.  24th Annual Conference and the Annual Fall Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society EMBS/BMES Conference, Proceedings. 1:625-626.
Saviano, J., G. Jun, S. Kay, and T. Webster. 2002. NANOCOMPOSITES INCREASE FUNCTIONS OF CHONDROCYTES. 2002. Volume 733E Materials Research Society Symposium, Polymer Nanocomposites, SYMPOSIUM T1.3.
Lin, B., J.M. Kidder, R. Noring, A.C. Steere, M.S. Klempner, and L.T. Hu. 2001. Differences in Synovial Fluid Levels of Matrix Metalloproteinases Suggest Separate Mechanisms of Pathogenesis in Lyme Arthritis before and after Antibiotic Treatment. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 184:174-180.

Desirable effect of combination therapy with high molecular weight hyaluronate and NSAIDs on MMP production.
Hashizume M, Mihara M.
Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2009 May 5.

Increased chondrocyte adhesion on nanotubular anodized titanium.
Burns K, Yao C, Webster TJ.
J Biomed Mater Res A. 2009 Mar 1;88(3):561-8.

IL-1beta stimulates the expression of prostaglandin receptor EP4 in human chondrocytes by increasing production of prostaglandin E2
Watanabe Y, Namba A, Honda K, Aida Y, Matsumura H, Shimizu O, Suzuki N, Tanabe N, Maeno M.
Connect Tissue Res. 2009;50(3):186-93

Apoptotic insults to human chondrocytes induced by sodium nitroprusside are involved in sequential events, including cytoskeletal remodeling, phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase-1/c-Jun N-terminal kinase, and Bax-mitochondria-mediated caspase activation.
Cherng YG, Chang HC, Lin YL, Kuo ML, Chiu WT, Chen RM.
J Orthop Res. 2008 Jul;26(7):1018-26

Enhanced chondrocyte densities on carbon nanotube composites: the combined role of nanosurface roughness and electrical stimulation.
Khang D, Park GE, Webster TJ.
J Biomed Mater Res A. 2008 Jul;86(1):253-60.

Interaction of human mesenchymal stem cells with disc cells: changes in extracellular matrix biosynthesis.
CPD Le Visage, SW Kim, K Tateno, AN Sieber, JP Kostuik, KW Leong
Spine. 2006 Aug 15;31(18):2036-42.

Novel p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitor R-130823 protects cartilage by down-regulating matrix metalloproteinase-1,-13 and prostaglandin E2 production in human chondrocytes.
Y Wada, K Shimada, K Sugimoto, T Kimura, S Ushiyama
Int Immunopharmacol. 2006 Feb;6(2):144-55.

Chondrocyte cluster formation in agarose cultures as a functional assay to identify genes expressed in osteoarthritis.
J Quintavalla, C Kumar, S Daouti, E Slosberg, S Uziel-Fusi
J Cell Physiol. 2005 Aug;204(2):560-6.

Accelerated chondrocyte functions on NaOH-treated PLGA scaffolds.
GE Park, MA Pattison, K Park, TJ Webster
Biomaterials. 2005 Jun;26(16):3075-82.

Induction of Host Matrix Metalloproteinases by Borrelia burgdorferi Differs in Human and Murine Lyme Arthritis.
AK Behera, E Hildebrand, J Scagliotti, AC Steere, LT Hu
Infect Immun. 2005 Jan;73(1):126-34.

Nanometer surface roughness increases select osteoblast adhesion on carbon nanofiber compacts.
RL Price, K Ellison, KM Haberstroh, TJ Webster
J Biomed Mater Res A. 2004 Jul 1;70(1):129-38.

Borrelia burgdorferi-Induced Expression of Matrix Metalloproteinases from Human Chondrocytes Requires Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase and Janus Kinase/Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription Signaling Pathways.
AK Behera, CM Thorpe, JM Kidder, W Smith, E Hildebrand, LT Hu
Infect Immun. 2004 May;72(5):2864-71.

Altered responses of chondrocytes to nanophase PLGA/nanophase titania composites.
JK Savaiano, TJ Webster
Biomaterials. 2004 Mar-Apr;25(7-8):1205-13.

Nanostructured polymer/nanophase ceramic composites enhance osteoblast and chondrocyte adhesion.
S Kay, A Thapa, KM Haberstroh, TJ Webster
Tissue Eng. 2002 Oct;8(5):753-61.

Identification and characterization of the human long form of Sox5 (L-SOX5) gene.
T Ikeda, J Zhang, T Chano, A Mabuchi, A Fukuda, H Kawaguchi, K Nakamura, S Ikegawa
Gene. 2002 Sep 18;298(1):59-68.

Osteoblast and Chrondrocyte Proliferation in the Presence of Alumina And Titania Nanoparticles.
LG Gutwein, TJ Webster
Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 2002 June 4(3):231-238(8)

Differences in Synovial Fluid Levels of Matrix Metalloproteinases Suggest Separate Mechanisms of Pathogenesis in Lyme Arthritis before and after Antibiotic Treatment.
B Lin, JM Kidder, R Noring, AC Steere, MS Klempner, LT Hu
The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2001;184:174–80

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Related Products

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All-in-one ready-to-use 411-500 по запросу
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Extended Family Products

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500 tests 028-01 по запросу

Total RNA prepared from Human Chondrocytes, Re-Differentiated, adult 402RD-R10a по запросу
Total RNA prepared from Human Chondrocytes, Re-Differentiated, adult 402RD-R25a по запросу
Total RNA prepared from Human Chondrocytes, Re-Differentiated, fetal 402RD-R10f по запросу
Total RNA prepared from Human Chondrocytes, Re-Differentiated, fetal 402RD-R25f по запросу

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