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Стромальные клетки костного мозга человека: HMSC. Первичные клеточные линии Cell Applications.

Human Marrow Stromal Cells: HMSC

Стромальные Клетки Костного Мозга Человека (HMSC) имеют потенциал для поддержания мультипотентности и активно размножаться in vitro. Костный мозг – основной кроветворный орган, но в дополнение к гемапоэтическому росту и дифференциации, стромальные клетки костного мозга могут быть индуцированы для формирования клеток других соединительных тканей, таких как кость, хрящ и жировая ткань, как и клетки нейроэктодермального  (нейроны) и эндодермального (гепатоциты) происхождений.

HMSC от Cell Applications, Inc. были использованы в исследованиях:

(Текст на языке оригинала)
  • Effects of TGF-β1 on differentiation toward different lineages, and show that it inhibits adipogenic differentiation and induces either chondrogenic, osteogenic or smooth muscle cell differentiation, depending the specific culture conditions
  • The differentiation potential of stem cells
  • HLA expression profiles of bone marrow-derived and adipose-derived stem cells
  • Heart valve-shaped tri-layered collagen-based constructs for stem cell seeding and differentiation to use in heart valve tissue engineering


Human bone marrow. Each lot is tested negative for HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C, mycoplasma, bacteria, and fungi.
Cryopreserved ampoule:
2nd passage, >500,000 cells in Basal Medium containing 10% FBS & 10% DMSO.
Kit contains:
Ampoule of cryopreserved HMSC (492-05f), 500 ml Human Marrow Stromal Cell Growth Medium (419-500), and a Subculture Reagent Kit (090K).
Proliferating Cells:
Shipped in Growth Medium at 3rd passage in either flasks or multiwell dishes.
Population doublings:
Can be cultured at least 10 doublings



Teng, N., Y. Liu, H. Wu, Y. Liu, J. Ho, and O. Lee. 2015. Promotion of Mesenchymal-to-Epithelial Transition by Rac1 Inhibition with Small Molecules Accelerates Hepatic Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells. Tissue Engineering Part A. Online ahead of editing, Jan 27.
Gadkari, R., L. Zhao, T. Teklemariam, and B. Hantash. 2014. Human embryonic stem cell derived-mesenchymal stem cells: an alternative mesenchymal stem cell source for regenerative medicine therapy. Regenerative Medicine, 9:453-465.
Purandare, B., T. Teklemariam, L. Zhao, and B. Hantash. 2014. Temporal HLA profiling and immunomodulatory effects of human adult bone marrow-and adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells. Regenerative Medicine 9: 67-79.
Teklemariam, T., B. Purandare, L. Zhao, and B. Hantash. 2014. Inhibition of DNA methylation enhances HLA-G expression in human mesenchymal stem cells. BBRC 452:753-759.
Purandare, B., T. Teklemariam, L. Zhao, and B.M. Hantash. 2013. Temporal HLA profiling and immunomodulatory effects of human adult bone marrow- and adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells. Regenerative Medicine. 9:67-79.
Kato, Y., I. Hirata, and M. Kanawa. 2012. Animal Cell Culture Kit, Method for Culturing Animal Cells, Method for Selective Culture of Animal Cells and Cell Differentiation Method. Patent Application US 20140030804 A1.
Hirota, Y., and M. Hakoda. 2011. Relationship between dielectric characteristic by DEP levitation and differentiation activity for stem cells. Key Engineering Materials. 459:84-91.
Park, J., H. Yoon, B. Yoo, Y. Kim, and Y. Shin. 2011. Method for the preparation of dermal papilla tissue employing mesenchymal stem cells. Patent US 8017390 B2.
Tedder, M.E., A. Simionescu, J. Chen, J. Liao, and D.T. Simionescu. 2011. Assembly and testing of stem cell-seeded layered collagen constructs for heart valve tissue engineering. Tissue engineering. Part A. 17:25-36.
Zhao, L., and B.M. Hantash. 2011. TGF-b1 Regulates Differentiation of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Vitamins and hormones 87:127-141.
Tedder, M.E.B. 2010. Characterization and Evaluation of a Novel Tissue Engineered Aortic Heart Valve Construct. Clemson University, PhD dissertation.
Tedder, M., A. Simionescu, J. Chen, J. Liao, and D. Simionescu. 2010. Assembly and Testing of Stem Cell-Seeded Layered Collagen Constructs for Heart Valve Tissue Engineering. Tissue Engineering Part A., 17:25-36.
Baron, U., I. Turbachova, A. Hellwag, F. Eckardt, K. Berlin, U. Hoffmüller, P. Gardina, and S. Olek. 2006.  DNA Methylation Analysis as a Tool for Cell Typing. Epigenetics 1:55-60.

Le Visage, C., S.W. Kim, K. Tateno, A.N. Sieber, J.P. Kostuik, and K.W. Leong. 2006. Interaction of human mesenchymal stem cells with disc cells: changes in extracellular matrix biosynthesis. Spine. 31:2036-2042.

HMSC Total Kit: Media, Subculture Reagents & Cells, Adult 492K-05a по запросу
HMSC Total Kit: Media, Subculture Reagents & Cells, Fetal 492K-05f по запросу

Cryopreserved HMSC 492-05a по запросу

Cryopreserved HMSC 492-05f по запросу

Total RNA prepared from Human Human Marrow Stromal Cells, adult 492-R10a по запросу
Total RNA prepared from Human Human Marrow Stromal Cells, adult 492-R25a по запросу
Total RNA prepared from Human Human Marrow Stromal Cells, fetal 492-R10f по запросу
Total RNA prepared from Human Human Marrow Stromal Cells, fetal 492-R25f по запросу

Human Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor RP1003-10 по запросу
Human Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor RP1003-100 по запросу
Human Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor RP1003-1000 по запросу

Human M-CSF ELISA Kit CL0444 по запросу

Proliferating HMSC 493-25a по запросу
Proliferating HMSC 493-75a по запросу
Proliferating HMSC 493-6Wa по запросу
Proliferating HMSC 493-96Wa по запросу

Proliferating HMSC 493-25f по запросу
Proliferating HMSC 493-75f по запросу
Proliferating HMSC 493-96wf по запросу
Proliferating HMSC 493-6wf по запросу

100 ml each of HBSS, Trypsin/EDTA & Trypsin Neutralizing Solution 090K по запросу

Extended Family Products

Rabbit Stem Cell Factor Antibody CG1536 по запросу

100 tests 028-S по запросу
500 tests 028-01 по запросу

Human Stem Cell Factor RP1004-100 по запросу
Human Stem Cell Factor RP1004-10 по запросу
Human Stem Cell Factor RP1004-1000 по запросу

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Basal HMSC medium (contains no growth supplement).В  Add GS before use. 418-500 по запросу
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Xeno-Free Basal HMSC Medium 418xf-500 по запросу

All-in-one ready-to-use HMSC Growth Medium 419-500 по запросу
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Xeno-Free HMSC Growth Medium 419xf-500 по запросу

Basal HSMC medium & HSMC growth supplement sold together packaged separately 419K-500 по запросу
Serum-Free HMSC Growth Medium Kit 419sfK-500 по запросу
Xeno-Free HMSC Growth Medium Kit 419xfk-500 по запросу

Added to HMSC Basal Medium to create HMSC Growth Medium 419-GS по запросу
Serum-Free HMSC Growth Supplement 419sf-GS по запросу
Xeno-Free HMSC Growth Supplement 419xf-GS по запросу

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