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Rat Perineurial Fibroblasts: RPF

Rat Perineurial Fibroblasts: RPF

Rat Perineurial Fibroblasts (RPF) from Cell Applications, Inc. are of mesenchymal origin and form the perineurium, one of the three connective tissue compartments of the peripheral nerve. The perineurium wraps around nerve fascicles to form a metabolically active diffusion barrier. It provides protection to the nerve bundles, maintains the homeostasis of the endoneurium, modulates external stretching forces that exerts to the nerve, and regulates endoneurial pressures. 
RPF and other cells of mesenchymal origin express the cytoplasmic protein Vimentin, a Type III intermediate filament that forms part of the cytoskeleton.  By helping to maintain cell shape, cytoplasmic integrity and cytoskeletal interactions, Vimentin functions in cell adhesion, migration and signaling.
Perineurial fibroblasts also express fibronectin, a multifunctional extracellular matrix glycoprotein.  Like vimentin, fibronectin plays major roles in cell morphology, cytoskeletal organization, adhesion, growth and migration. Fibronectin, which binds other ECM molecules, also functions in cell differentiation, embryonic development, hemostasis, phagocytosis, wound healing and repair.


Rat Perineurial Fibroblasts: RPF

TissueNormal healthy rat peripheral nerves
QCNo bacteria, yeast, fungi, mycoplasma
CharacterPositive for Fibronectin
BioassayAttach, spread, proliferate in Growth Med
Cryovial500,000 RPF (1st passage) frozen in Basal Medium w/ 10% FBS, 10% DMSO
KitCryovial frozen RPF (R852-05n), Growth Medium (R828-500), Subcltr Rgnt Kit (090K)
ProliferatingShipped in Gr Med, 1st psg (flasks or plates)
DoublingsAt least 12


Rat Perineurial Fibroblasts: RPF

Cells (Neonatal), Medium & Subculture Reagents (See Details tab for specifics) R852K-05n по запросу

Frozen RPF R852-05n по запросу

Actively growing, dividing cells in medium R853-25n по запросу
Actively growing, dividing cells in medium R853-6Wn по запросу
Actively growing, dividing cells in medium R853-75n по запросу
Actively growing, dividing cells in medium R853-96Wn по запросу

Extended Family Products

Mouse Vimentin Antibody CP10244 по запросу

For general cryopreservation of most primary cells. Contains FBS & DMSO. 040-50 по запросу

100 tests 028-S по запросу
500 tests 028-01 по запросу

25 x 24-Well Rxns TF103KS по запросу
250 x 24-Well Rxns TF103K по запросу

Rat Fibronectin ELISA Kit CL0350 по запросу

100 ml each of HBSS, Trypsin/EDTA & Trypsin Neutralizing Solution 090K по запросу

Related Products

Basal medium (contains no growth supplement). Add GS before use. R827-500 по запросу

All-in-one ready-to-use media R828-500 по запросу

Basal medium & growth supplement sold together packaged separately R828K-500 по запросу

Added to Basal Medium to create Growth Medium R828-GS по запросу

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