Маммокарцинома человека - клеточная линия Адгезивный монослой Frozen, 4 Mill. cells/ml, 1.5ml
Depositor: Gaffney Organism: Homo sapiens (human) Ethnicity: Caucasian Age: 27 years old Gender: Female (see NOTE under Karyotype) Tissue: Breast Morphology: Epithelial Celltype: mMammary gland Growth Properties: Monolayer, adherent Description: The epithelial cell line HBL-100 has been derived by E.V. Gaffney and associates from the milk of a nursing mother and obtained 3 days after delivery. Although there was no evidence of a breast lesion in the milk donor, and the patient had no family history of breast cancer, the karyotype of the recovered cells was abnormal as early as passage 7. This line was able to synthesize a small amount of lactose and would respond to prolactin or estrogen by producing increased amounts of casein. Electron micrographs revealed microvilli, tonofibrils and desmosomes. Информация представлена исключительно в ознакомительных целях и ни при каких условиях не является публичной офертой |