Аденокарцинома толстой кишки человека - клеточная линия G II Замороженный криососуд 4.5 Mio. cells/ml; 1.5ml
Organism: Homo sapiens (human) Ethnicity: Caucasian Age: 44 years of age Gender: female Tissue: Colon Morphology: epithelial Celltype: adenocarcinoma, colorectal Growth Properties: adherent Description: Ultrastructural features include microvilli, microfilaments, large vacuolated mitochondria with dark granules, smooth and rough ER with free ribosomes, lipid droplets, few primary and many secondary lysosomes. There is a G -> A mutation in codon 273 of the p53 gene resulting in an Arg -> His substitution. References: Chromik et al. 2010, Gene expression analysis of cell death induction by Taurolidine in different malignant cell lines. Информация представлена исключительно в ознакомительных целях и ни при каких условиях не является публичной офертой |