Гепатоцеллюлярная карцинома печени курицы - клеточная линия Замороженный криососуд 2 Mill. cells/ml; 1.5ml
Organism: Gallus gallus (chicken) Strain: Leghorn Tissue: Liver Morphology: Epithelial; Dendritic like. Celltype: hepatocellular carcinoma; induced using diethylnitrosamine. Growth Properties: adherent Description: The cell line LMH was established in 1981 by Tomoyuki Kitagawa (see reference below) at the Cancer Institute, Kami-Ikebukuro-ku of Tokyo, Japan. Primary hepatocellular carcinoma epithelial cell lines were transformed into permanent cells by inducing tumorous nodules by long term treatment with diethylnitrosamine in the liver of a male leghorn cchicken. LMH cells are inducible for the expression of the liver specific apolipoprotein II (apoll) gene. Информация представлена исключительно в ознакомительных целях и ни при каких условиях не является публичной офертой |