Store at -20°C, avoid frequent thawing and freezing Stable at 4°C for up to 4 weeks SCRIPT One-Step RT-qPCR ProbesMaster with ROX must be stored in the dark SCRIPT RT-qPCR ProbesMaster with ROX, 2 x conc. RNase-free Water SCRIPT One-Step RT-qPCR ProbesMaster with ROX is designed for quantitative real-time analyses of RNA templates using Dual Labeled Fluorescent Probes. Real-time PCR technology based on dual labeled DNA probes provides a highly sensitive and specific PCR system with multiplexing capability. It requires two standard PCR primers and the DNA probe that hybridizes to an internal part of the amplicon. The master mix contains ROX passive reference dye to allow normalization for non-PCR related signal variations during cycling.
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