OZ Biosciences создал флуоресцентно маркированные магнитные наночастицы для приложений магнетофекции. Реактивы для трансфекции FluoMag так же эффективны, как их немаркированные аналоги и позволяют Вам визуализировать наночастицы in vitro во время Ваших экспериментов.
Размеры: 100 мкл Хранение: +4°C с защитой от света Условия доставки: Комнатная температура
Этот реактив должен использоваться с магнитной пластиной
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РезультатыFigure 1: NIH-3T3 transfection with FluoMag-P and pEGFP plasmid DNA. NIH-3T3 cells (5x104 cells/well), growing on coverslips, were transfected in 24-well plates with 1 µg of pEGFP plasmid and 1µL of FluoMag-P per well as described in the Magnetofection instruction manual. At several times post-transfection, cells were fixed, stained with DAPI to detect nucleus (blue) and observed under a fluorescent microscope equipped with a CCD camera. Figure 2: Transfection efficiency of FluoMag-S versus SilenceMag. GFP stably transfected MDCK and HeLa cells were plated the day before transfection in a 24-well plate. Cells were then treated with SilenceMag or FluoMag-S and siRNA (targeting GFP or targeting LacZ as control) as described in the SilenceMag instruction manual. Complexes were prepared with 1 μL of SilenceMag or FluoMag-S and 10nM (67.5ng) of siRNA. Cells were then transfected in 500 μL transfection volume. GFP expression level was monitored 72h post-transfection by detection of fluorescence intensity with a fluorometer.
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