Реагент для трансфекции in vivo ViroMag предназначен для направленной трансдукции in vivo любыми вирусными векторами. Комплексы вирус/наночастицы легко вводятся различными методами инъекции, такими как системное введение (внутривенное, внутриартериальное) или местной введение (внутриопухолевое, интрацеребровентрикулярное).
Основные преимущества магнетофекции™ in vivo по сравнению с другими методами:
Хранение: + 4°C Условия доставки: комнатная температура
NB: это реагенты необходимо использовать с магнитом. ДокументыПрименение
RECOMMENDED FOR: In vivo targeted transduction
РезультатыFigure 1: High efficiency of in vivo ViroMag for targeting viral vector after intracerebroventricular injection. Third ventricles of in utero rat embryos were injected with GFP-encoding viral particles alone or complexed to in vivo ViroMag. Without magnetic nanoparticles (A), the virus-transduced cells are located on both sides of the ventricle. Using in vivo ViroMag (B), transduction is enhanced and confined to one side due to a 30s magnet-application. ![]() Figure 2: Infection of rat embryo brain. Brain sections at 8 days after lateral ventricular injection of 10^9 particles of GFP-lentivirus coupled with in vivo ViroMag into in utero rat embryos (E16) showed a diffuse GFP expression (in green) due to a widespread infection of neurons (A). The association of GFP-lentivirus with ViroMag induced a targeted local area as shown by the GFP expression in neurons lying under a magnet at the surface of the embryo skull (B). A more intense and restricted GFP-expression (C) was also observed when the magnet was positioned on the edge of the brain leading to an accumulation of viral particles and infected neurons in the focal area.
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